Special structures

Box slab roof elements fitted very precisely during assembly despite 40 cm I beams.

Thanks to the precision, the approval time window (road closure for half a day) was respected and the mansard roof was immediately rainproof.

Easy and ergonomic mounting of bargeboard

Middle element « comes » of the plane.



Circular cut-out ceiling, perfectly square

Roof element with integrated mullion-transom construction: Vertical purlin overhangs are easily to manage

Mullion-transom construction

Articulated roof construction with invisible assembly

Façade elements with off-site substructure. Due to the absolute perpendicularity of the tectofix system, an exact joint pattern results after installation

Half-timbered house element perfectly squared with Tectofix

Restaurant: 40 cm high floor slab with curved edge beam and recessed joist on tectofix

Platform in Erlangen