Weizenegger GmbH, Bad Wurzach

We should have opted for the tectofix much earlier. The easy handling of the system for the production of complex elements speaks for itself and is therefore gladly used by our employees. Our productivity has increased many times over through the use of the system and has thus been significantly optimised.

Heinrich Weizenegger 
Weizenegger GmbH

In the middle of 2019, we decided to expand our Tectofix with the wall fabrication package. This expansion means that the Tectofix can be used not only for roof production but also for wall production! Low set-up times, ergonomic working and above all the avoidance of bottlenecks speak for the system. The initial scepticism of our employees quickly turned into enthusiasm! A great system.

Oliver Olzinger 
Plant Manager - Weizenegger GmbH